Athlete in Action Lebanon
Victory Beyond Competition
Welcome to our site
Athletes in Action, the sports ministry of Life Agape,
works with athletes and coaches to use the unique platform of sports
to help people around the world with questions of faith.
“Athletes in Action” (AIA) is the Sports section of Life Agape. Our aim is to help people take care of their bodies through sports, as well as take care of their souls by drawing them close to God through spiritual activities. We help bringing down barriers between people through sports. We arrange for tournaments, sports clinics and host teams from Holland, USA and Latin America. AIA is a global pioneer, innovator, and servant leader in sport ministry.
Crime, Murder, Abuse, Racism, Scandal, Corruption. Every day our newspapers, the Internet and television tell the depressing, and sometimes tragic story of a world and its people that is far from realizing its created purpose.
Many athletes and coaches, once thought to be ideal role models for today’s youth, are swept up in a culture that seems to have abandoned limits and a moral compass for a “win at all cost” mentality. In the end the sports pages are no different than the front pages of our newspapers
For billions of people, the stadiums of the world serve as houses of worship. Whether on a sandlot or in a stadium, where there is a scoreboard, there is a crowd. Fans gather to cheer on their favorite team – be it professional, collegiate or Little League.
Sports is a universal language with the powerful ability to shape a culture, heal a nation, break down political, racial and economic barriers and restore national pride. Children dream of being the next LeBron James, Peyton Manning or Serena Williams. Sports speak a language that children around the world understand.
Since 1966, AIA has committed to sharing a Victory beyond Competition that is found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Athletes, coaches and sports fans around the world who are experiencing this life-changing relationship are sharing their story with Jesus – to their teammates and fellow coaches, to hurting, needy people and everyone around them through their words and acts of compassion and kindness, and to the millions of people through the media. Over 650 staff members and 7,500 volunteers in 94 countries boldly proclaim Jesus Christ, deeply equip believers to lead and urgently mobilize ambassadors of Good News and Good Will in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
As societies around the world look up to athletes as heroes, they must find those heroes looking up to God!
The global vision and mission of AIA is supported by the following commitments and strategies:
• Direct ministry with college, professional and top amateur athletes and coaches
• A comprehensive plan for ethnic and gender diversity
• Competing sport teams in teams such as baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, track and field, swimming, rugby and more
• Integrating compassion and humanitarian aid with the sport platform
• Hosting outreach events at major sporting events such as the Super Bowl, Final Four, NBA All-Star Game, Olympics, World Cup of soccer and more
• A home office that features a sports complex and conference center with overnight accommodations for over 200 people
Athletes in Action is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, International
Vision till the end of 2015:
12 youth discipleship groups meeting regularly and spreading
the sports-centered passion to be Christ-centered as well
Mission till the end of 2015:
Our mission is to build youth groups with a common goal through Sports,
Evangelism and discipleship events equipping them to volunteer in the ministry
and to reflect the good example of true love by growing in Christ image.
Helping people have a meaningful life based on John 10:10 Our
New committed leaders
Man of the Match
During the Game
2nd Place - 2014
3rd Place - 2014
Champions 2014
God’s love is the maximum motivation
Passage: Luke 4:11-32 “ the story of the prodigal son”
Theme: Our identity in Christ frees us to compete with a “grace motivation”
Practical: Exchange the world’s motivation for a grace motivation means giving a
"thank you performance” to the Lord in our sport
God owns you and your sport
Passage: 1Kings 18:20-40 “the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal”
Theme: God exposes our idols changing our allegiance from “substitutes” to Him
Practical: Learning to compete for the ultimate audience transforms sport into worship
“Good sports demands team-work, an attitude of respect, recognition of a rival’s qualities,
Honesty in play, and the humility to recognize one’s limitation.” Pope John Paul II
God provides resources for spiritual training to cultivate Christ-like character
Passage: Luke 4:1-13 “the temptation of Jesus”
Theme: Maturity is a process of giving in grace and requires the spiritual disciplines
Practical: Focal point reminds us of spiritual disciplines within competition
God’s playing field extends beyond your competition
Passage: Matthew 25:14-30 “the parable of the talents”
Theme: The return of the king calls us to be stewards of our time, talent & treasures
Practical: Make wise investment with your life
God allows pain and trails to deepen you character for Him
Passage: Genesis “the story of Joseph”
Theme: Trails and suffering are part of God’s game plan
Practical: Sports can be God’s laboratory for molding and shaping us if we see and respond appropriately
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